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Min-Young Kim is a trilingual typography consultant, project director, and a researcher specializing in CJK-Latin typography. After completing her Master's degree at Musashino Art University on history & modern usages of CJK-Latin multiscript typesetting, Min developed her career in font business as a type project manager at Japanese type foundries: Morisawa and Fontworks. She established Studio Em Dash in 2020, with a focus on multiscript type development and typographical consultancy.
Work experience
2020~ Established Studio Em Dash2018-2019 Project & marketing manager at Fontworks Inc.
2016-2018 Type project manager at Morisawa Inc.
2016MFA Musashino Art University Visual Communication Design
BFA Hong-Ik University Visual Communication Design
Side note
- Min-Young goes by Min for short.
- Min is a big animal lover, and she has a professional dog trainer license issued from Karen Pryor Academy.
- Em Dash is also a name of Min’s beloved black Cockapoo dog. 🐕🦺
- Enjoys pilates and boxing.
- Min is an ENTJ.